To be everywhere is to diversify.



tech: cloud, tools & Teach

Cloud technology revolutionizes companies, allowing storage, access and data processing on remote servers. With scalability, flexibility and cost savings, it drives efficiency. Its management requires aligned skills, training and organizational culture. The cloud and people management combination boosts productivity and competitiveness.

Closed Team

people: subjective into objective

People management is essential for the success of companies, involving the identification of skills, the development of talent and the establishment of a culture of engagement. Through effective management, it is possible to increase productivity, motivation and sustainable organizational growth. We created a very specific form for this. Check out.


energy: be sustainable

Solar energy is a renewable source that offers the opportunity to significantly reduce energy bills. It is possible to generate clean and renewable electricity, reducing dependence on the conventional electricity grid and associated costs, in addition to contributing to environmental sustainability. And best of all, no additional costs. Learn more at the links below.

the founder

Marcos started his career in the industry. Specifically in the dairy area, since 2006. He works as an industrial manager in a unit of a renowned multinational. Parallel to this profession, he had his first business at the age of 23. Part of the activity was terminated and the other part migrated. He has also taught for a few years. The idea of ​​diversifying areas of activity stems from a liberal economic premise of never depending on a single source of income. On the other hand, all the potential and ideas could not be frozen, which led him to pursue services and solutions in the technology area, which can be managed regardless of time and place. Finally, a new front that was seen as an opportunity was to become a licensee of iGreen Energy to provide solutions in an excellent positive-sum negotiation, where everyone wins. Thus, the format of this new front is formed, mainly to serve small and medium-sized companies with a combo of 03 specific and innovative services.

CNPJ: 51.538.792/0001-93

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